Further information

Further information

  1. Company name and tax codele
    Company name: Biogenera SpA
    Tax Code: 91305160375
  2. Date and place of establishment: 31/12/2008
    ALTO RENO TERME (Bologna)
  3. Head office and branch offices
    Via dell’Artigianato,2 – Ozzano (Bologna) – 40064 – Italy
  4. Company purpose
    4.1) The company aims to carry out research, development, production and marketing activities of PNA (Peptide Nucleic Acids) molecules and other basic pharmaceutical products.4.2) ) The company can accept and grant agencies, commissions, deposits and mandates, create and acquire and rent companies or company branches, as well as to implement any commercial (including import/export activities), industrial, security, property and financial activity, which are useful or appropriate to boost the company development and extension.4.3) The company can also hold interests and participations in other companies or enterprises of any nature pursuing objectives equal, identical or connected to its own.4.4) The company can provide technical, administrative, operational, coordination, promotional and marketing services for associate and investee companies and enterprises. It can also provide solutions for problems in the financial domain, such as giving loans against security, surity and any real guarantee, making any form of payment, such as payments into accounts for future capital increases, payments on capital account, without the right to refund the amounts paid, and/or to cover losses, as well as loans with the right to refund the amounts paid, interest-bearing or non-interest-bearing loans.

    4.5) All these activities must be carried out in compliance with legal requirements regulating the business.

  5. Short description of the activity, including research, development and innovation activities and costs
    BIOGENERA is a company working in the pharmaceutical biotechnologies sector; it was founded in 2008 and it is focused on the research and development of new DNA-personalized biotechnological drugs.
    BIOGENERA SpA has developed MyGeneraTM biotechnological platform which is unique and highly innovative for the rapid creation and development of new DNA-personalized drugs. It is based on an approach acting directly at the gene level, in a highly specific and selective way.
    The first therapeutic area of development is oncology, where research and development activities have already enabled the identification and development of the BGA002 drug, which is specific to treat incurable pediatric tumors.
    This pharmaceutical product has already obtained the official acknowledgement of Orphan Drug by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to treat Neuroblastoma (the most deadly pediatric cancer) and Soft Tissue Sarcomas.
    The first goal of BIOGENERA is to develop the pharmaceutical product to treat incurable pediatric tumors. Moreover, in preclinical studies the BGA002 drug has been proved to be efficient to treat also some very aggressive adult cancers.
    What is more, thanks to MyGeneraTM biotechnological platform to create new personalized biotechnological drugs, BIOGENERA is expanding its own pipeline of new candidate drugs to treat other incurable tumors and pathologies with high medical need.
  6. Indication of professional or trade relationships and collaborations with certified incubators, institutional and professional investors, universities and research centers
    BIOGENERA SpA has stipulated since 2009 a convention with the University of Bologna to carry out research activities.
  7. Last financial statements filed in the xbrl standard
    Link to the file
  8. List of industrial and intellectual property rights
    BIOGENERA research and development activity has already generated 57 international patents, concerning MyGeneraTM biotechnological platform for the production of new gene-specific drugs, and the specific drug BGA002 for childhood tumors and some adult tumors..
  9. Staff involved in the research and development activity and corresponding degrees and professional qualifications.
    BIOGENERA SpA is proud to have a research and development team composed by twelve researchers (seven with an open-ended contract, one with a fixed-term contract and four collaborators). The researchers have been awarded a Master Degree – or 5-year Degree – and most of them also have a PhD, concerning the following disciplines:
    a. Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies
    b. Bioinformatics
    c. Chemistry
    d. Biological Sciences
    e. Genetics

In addition, some researchers have developed a significant professional experience in important multinationals working in the pharmaceutical sector.